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ALIS instruction video's

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ALIS - Notifications

From ALIS version 2024.1 we have developed an event and alerting function for ALIS. You can find the documentation here Instant Notification for Observations and Workorders .

We created a video to show you how that works!

Video not working? Watch it on Youtube

ALIS - User IDentification and Teams Mgmt

From ALIS version 2021.02 we have prepared the application for our brand new user management system. This is all about who can and with which permission is able to access your ALIS instance. This new version will allow you to have a better overview and management of exactly that. You can find the support documentation on the topic here: ALIS - User Management

and the different roles and user permissions: ALIS - User Rights - Keycloak new UIDM

  • 00:53 General management features

  • 01:45 Creating a new user

  • 04:40 Duplicating an existing user

  • 05:00 Group and Team management

  • 05:50 Creating a new group

  • 06:15 The Work order Recipient = Team member

  • 07:25 Advanced profile settings and 2FA

ALIS - Asset Type Management

This video shows how you can create and update your Asset Types through the web and in bulk.  

Documentation can be found in ALIS - Asset Type Management

00:18 Intro on Asset Types and their properties
01:55 Labels
02:25 Preventive Maintenance cycles and Pictures
03:00 Links - Documentation 04:15 Excel Asset Type Export - Import
05:30 Multi- Select and edit of Asset Types 
06:48 Changing the Asset type of an Asset
07:50 Documentation in the map

ALIS - import/export Asset management

You can now maintain your own ALIS database - to have it mimic your installed base for even more accurate maintenance management and reporting. We show you how you can ADD/CHANGE/REMOVE assets from your instance.

Documentation can be found in ALIS - Asset Management import/export

  1. 00:00​ Intro on ALIS import Export

  2. 01:30​ Export selected existing asset data

  3. 01:38​ How to change asset data

  4. 05:05​ How to remove assets from an instance

  5. 09:14​ How to Add new assets to an instance

  6. 23:13​ Adding Addition information about assets

ALIS - Observations (Web) 

The ALIS Observation function allows a user to create and follow-up a reporting or sighting of a certain observation to an asset or a custom location (coming later). They can be grouped by predefined or custom categories and states.

There is a new collaboration chat window where you can drop any type of attachment and share your observations with active links or export them in a PDF report.

Documentation can be found in ALIS - Observations - Web

1:10 Creating an observation
4:00 Viewing and collaborating
6:15 Using filters to find observations
7:12 The Category editor
9:37 Sharing and exporting observations

ALIS for Infrastructure

ALIS now supports custom locations to be used for observations. This enables you to now use ALIS for infrastructure as well. Think about FOD registrations, pavement issues, markings etc!
More information at *NEW* ALIS for Infrastructure!

00:45 Map Settings
01:58 Dropped-Pin
05:10 Survey with ALIS dropped-pin feature
09:30 Print functions for Observations
10:25 Asset Map Reporting (Asset History export)
13:58 Zoom and Pan to fit assets filtered buttons!
15:00 (Generated) Reports deleting function

ALIS - Observations (iOS)

The new Observation features for ALIS on-site! have not only arrived to the iPad but now also to the iPhone! You can now create observations with Multi-Image/Video/File(s) attached, Custom Categories, the attention flag and all of that goodness from your favorite device.
This opens new communication methods and logbook functionalities.
We can't wait to hear how you will use the new features and what you think about it.

Documentation can be found in ALIS - on-site! Observations - iOS

ALIS on-site! First-time configuration and setup (Legacy Connection Setup)

Need to configure a new device or change some parameter settings on the on-site hardware?  Learn all about it here!

ALIS on-site has received a major upgrade with v2023.1 Release! Make sure to check out concerning the new connection setup!

  1. 00:00​ Intro on ALIS configuration

  2. 00:50​ Install ALIS iOS Apps

  3. 07:25​ Personal and mobile hotspots

  4. 15:03​ Pairing iPad and iPhones

  5. 17:50​ Pairing GPS device to iPhone

  6. 23:37​ Using the GNSS Status App

  7. 27:20​ Candidate range tools

  8. 29:13​ Pairing the Torque Wrench

  9. 31:00​ Parameters of the Torque Wrench

  10. 37:05​ Setting up and using QR's

(info) We have more documentation on how to setup ALIS for the first time  - here.

Using ALIS on-site! training ... at home

We learn how to Schedule and preform maintenance tasks with the ALIS on-site equipment and native ALIS apps!

  1. 00:00​ Intro on ALIS on-site training

  2. 02:34​ Maintenance tasks

  3. 04:55​ Asset Types

  4. 05:55​ The Map

  5. 09:40​ Technicians and Teams

  6. 12:19​ The Validation case

  7. 13:50​ Registering maintenance

  8. 19:01​ Creating an observation

  9. 20:56​ Pairing/Using a GPS location device

  10. 22:44​ Using the Wrench

  11. 23:57​ Performing a torque task

  12. 28:13​ Review digital registrations

  13. 32:05​ Creating and viewing reports

(info)  More information on maintenance registration on-site can be found here

Photometric feature

Importing photometric data in ALIS - A quick recon

(info) More info on ALIS - Photometrics can be found here.


Hints and tips on tackling things that are import on your airport. You can use this as a filter on the Map to create a work order for the assets that have triggered these rules. The threshold for the rules can be changed in the settings.

(info) More in info on ALIS - Advisories can be found here.

Interface API's

ALIS is making friends! We Can now interface with other systems over by using API's. An example of how that works and what practical functions it has is shown in this video.

ALIS - a new instance * Outdated *

(warning) This video is outdated due to the release of some new and reworked modules in ALIS 

You have a new instance! That’s awesome! Let’s get started!
The following topics are being handled

  1. Creating a first maintenance task

  2. Using that maintenance task as a preventive maintenance

  3. Creating users and Teams

  4. Assigning a work order and fulfilling it!

  5. Reports on the work-order

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