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Instant Notification for Observations and Workorders

Function available in version 2024.01 - Release Q2 2024

The ALIS Notification system allows you to be notified by e-mail or Microsoft Teams on certain events that are happening in the ALIS system. These events are pre-defined and currently focus on observations and work orders. (Later we will add events for connected devices, stay tuned!)

TLDR; You need to create a “Notification-subscription” that is triggered on a certain event-type and define who the users are that need to be notified. You can select a default ADB Safegate email Server or configure your own “transportation” in how you want to be notified.

Find the instruction video here: ALIS instruction video's | ALIS---Notifications

Notification setup overview

Below you can find how the notification system works in ALIS - to start we explain the different terms.

Image (3).png

  • Event: determines what will trigger the notification. For examples: work order created, work order completed, work order closed, observation created, observation critical severity change, …etc.

  • transportation: determines how the recipients will receive the notification through the chosen type of transportation method (Email, ADB Safegate Email, Microsoft Teams, and Web hook).

  • Recipients: determines who will receive the notification (,, Teams channel, …etc.)

  • Subscription: links the event, transportation, and recipients together.

How to configure the notifications

Step 1. Set up the notification transportation

Step 2. Set up the notification subscription ( (warning) Please carefully read the WARNING in this step)

Step 3. Check the status

Step 4. Receive the notifications

Step 1. Set up the notification transportation

1.1 Navigate to the transportations page from ALIS web app

notification 7.png

1.2 Enter the general information

add notification target.png

1.3 Choose the transportation (4 options)

Use to define which server will carry the notifications to the recipients. There are 4 types of transportations to choose, each with its unique configuration.

Option 1: ADB Safegate Email Transportation
Option 2: Email Transportation
target - adb email.png

This is a pre-configured ADB Safegate internal email server.

Non-ADB Safegate recipients can still use this server to receive the notifications.

target - email.png

This transportation uses other email servers to send the notification. You have to manually do the configuration.

Option 3: Microsoft Teams Transportation
Option 4: Web hook Transportation
target - ms teams.png

To receive notifications via Microsoft Teams, you have to enter the Webhook URL. More information can be found in this link Create Incoming Webhooks

target - web hook.png

To receive notifications from other webhooks, you have to manually do the configuration.

Step 2. Set up the notification subscription

2.1 Navigate to the notification subscription page


2.2 Enter the general information and choose an event

add notification subscription.png

There are currently 2 types of events that can trigger the notification

Work order (3 options)

Observation (5 options)

  • created

  • completed

  • closed

  • created

  • changed

  • critical severity change - when observation severity becomes critical or not critical anymore

  • attention flag changed - when attention flag is added or removed

  • not determined severity changed - when observation is created with ‘not determined’ severity or when severity changes from ‘not determined’ to something else

2.3 Choose the pre-configured transportation and add the recipients (go back to Step 1 if you did not set up the transportation yet)

If your transportation method is ADB Safegate Email
If your transportation method is Email
If your transportation method is Microsoft Teams

You have to do at least one of the followings to finish the set up:

  • manually enter the recipient’s email address

  • check the box ‘use recipients from event’

* *Receipients can be non-ADB Safegate


You have to do at least one of the followings to finish the set up:

  • manually enter the recipient’s email address

  • check the box ‘use recipients from event’


You don’t have to add recipients in the subscription because the recipients are already the member within that Teams channel.

What is ‘use recipients from event’ box?

If you check this box, the system automatically adds the person involves in that event to the recipient list.

Example of use recipients from event function - observation attention flag change

Subscription: You set up a notification subscription with an event observation attention flag change and you check the box ‘use recipients from event’.

Trigger event: Somebody reported an observation. Later, you decided to put the attention flag on that same observation.

Recipients: The system will automatically detect that 2 people are involved in this observation event.

  • The recipients from event will be the 1) observation’s reporter and 2) you - who made changes to the atttention flag. These 2 people will receive the notification.

  • Other people wil NOT receive the notification.

Addition: If you want a third person who is not involved in the event to also be notified, their email has to be manually entered in the recipients section.

Example of use recipients from event function- work orders created

Subscription: you set up a notification subscription with an event work order created and you check the box ‘use recipients from event’.

Trigger event: you create a new work order and choose Red team in the section Technician group.

Recipients: The system will automatically detects that Red team membes are the 'recipients from event’.

  • All members from Red team will automatically get the notification that a new work order is created.

  • Non-Red team members will NOT get this notification.

Addition: If you want a non-Red team person to also receive the notification, their email has to be manually entered in the recipients section. Moreoever, when a new work order is created for other technician groups (blue team, default team, etc.) this person will also get the notification as well. In short, this person will always get the notification when an event is triggered regardless of the group.

Warning! Please check your User Groups for “Default Team” members or any team that has the “Workorder Recipient” permission. When you enable notifications for new work orders with the function “Recipients from work order” it will inform ALL users that belong to that group. This could result into unintentionally informing users.

Step 3. Check the notification status

When an event is triggered, the notification will be sent to the recipients. You can see their statuses if the notifications are successfully delivered or not.


If error occurs, you should go back to check the set up of your transportations or Subscriptions again.

Step 4. Receive the notifications

If your transportation method is ADB Safegate Email
  • The sender will be ADB Safegate internal server.

  • The recipients will receive the notifications via the emails previously configured in the subscription.


*Don’t forget to check your spam/junk folder, your notification could be in there.

If your transportation method is uses Microsoft Teams

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