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How-to create a support ticket for ALIS

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If you would need some support in using our ALIS solution or want to have some assets added or changed to your system, you can create a service request ticket. 

This how-to will show you have to create a service request ticket

Step-by-step guide

You can reach the Servicedesk as following 

  1. Log into the ALIS Web-application  
  2. Navigate to the Questionmark on the top right of your screen. 
  3. Select the HELPDESK link 
  4. You will now be navigated to the ALIS Servicedesk - If you don't have a login for this page and can't see the page below - Request a login here:  Service desk Access request

  5. You can now select the type of service request you want to make. 
  6. Fill in the form show and press submit. 
  7. An engineer will help you asap with your request. 

  • The Service desk can also be reach directly with the following link : ALIS SERVICEDESK
  • You can also find the the Operation manual of the ALIS Team and ALIS Personal applications within this servicedeks portal . 

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