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ALIS - Web maintenance registration


You are able to register maintenance directly from the web application ( bypassing the iOS in-field registration). This allows for following up more and different type of tasks but does not give the on-site proof point that it actually happened. Maintenance registered in this method will be indicated accordingly. You can register maintenance from the map view or use the data import wizard from a structured sheet. 


Registering maintenance has, up to ALIS version 2020.03, only been able to be performed through the in-field devices with the ALIS native apps. Starting from ALIS 2021.01 we added a feature that you can register maintenance data ( Validation & Torque tasks ) from the webapp.  This has multiple benefits.

  • Asset installation progress can be followed up
  • Maintenance that is still being done on paper can now be easily digitised into ALIS with all it's benefits
  • Maintenance that was performed where there was an issue with uploading ALIS data in the field
  • Historical maintenance can be registered for auditing purposes.

The function to register maintenance from the web has been added under the "create workorder  button" . There is a dropdown where you can select

  1. Create Work order
  2. Register Maintenance
  3. Import Maintenance data
  4. Mark assets as non-faulty
  5. Mark assets as faulty
  6. Resolve open observations

By changing the radio button you can modify the default action of the button when the drop down is collapsed. You can click on the task itself to directly perform the action.

Register Maintenance in the MAP

To start the maintenance registration, first select at least 1 asset where the maintenance needs to be registered or which is part of a work order. This will bring up that assets details and allow you to click on the "Register maintenance " button where the following will pop-up.

Work order maintenance

You can select a work-order which you which to fulfill by registering this maintenance.  Selecting a work order will allow you to apply the maintenance to

  • only the selected asset 
  • Selected assets in the selected work order ( you might have selected more than where actually in the work order)
  • All assets in the selected work order

By selecting a work order the maintenance task will already be completed since that was chosen at the creation of the work order.

Adhoc / non-work order maintenance

When no work order is selected, only the option to apply the maintenance to the selected assets ( before opening the "Register maintenance" pop-up) will be taken into account.

The maintenance task can be selected.

Torque Maintenance

When a Torque task is selected or applied for the maintenance registration, you can provide the value to which all of the bolts where torqued with a corresponding unit. When more detail of the torque values per bolt is needed the mobile apps can be used for accurate registration. 

Resolve Faulty's / Open Observations

Upon performing a maintenance task, it could be that this has an effect on the operational status of the asset in the system. (ie: if an asset was marked as faulty - no light output - performing an asset replacement maintenance task should resolve that issue). You can thus flag or unflag the option to resolve any faulty state or open observations that where currently flag for for the selected assets where maintenance will be registered.

Some of the settings can be pre-selected by a default setting - go over to the SETTING > Maintenance > Import settings


Hit the Register Maintenance button to have the maintenance registered accordingly to the selected assets. 

You can review the performed maintenance registration in the history of the asset.  Any preventive maintenance condition should be adapted according to the maintenance registration/maintenance cycle.

(info) Use the Activity filter on the left and set it to the time range where you have registered maintenance to easily see where you have recorded something.

There is currently no end-user function to remove registered maintenance - this to optimise database relationship stability -  in order to keep everything running smoothly in your ALIS instance.

Import Maintenance data 

You are now able to import a sheet of maintenance data to register tasks as performed. This sheet can come from a pre-defined structured excel sheet or you can use the reporting function in order to generate your maintenance task work-order in a digital format ( that can be used for a paper version if needed).

The import maintenance window can be found in multiple locations.`

  1. The Import maintenance data from the Action menu in the MAP 
  2. Through the SETTINGS > Maintenance > Import Maintenance Data
  3. Through the WORK ORDERS > Open Work orders > Import Maintenance Records

Import Maintenance Records

To import maintenance records, the data needs to be provided in a certain structure.  You can find the custom import structure here below:

Maintenance Data Import Sheet - Click here to expand...

Spreadsheet (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.csv) with the following structure per sheet:

First row headers of the columns (as named in the table below)

from the second row: maintenance records to import

If the actual work order (see above) is not empty, this field is ignored!

If a work order is selected in the import dialog, this value is ignored!

If no task is selected, this

if not present, the maintenance task selected in the import-dialog will be used

(can contain the maintenance task id or the name of the maintenance task)

tasknumber or stringno

Column name


Data format



assetIdidstringno*Id of the asset in ALIS
assetNameassetstringno*Name of the asset in ALIS or identifier to resolve asset via EntityMapping
latitudelatnumberno*Latitude in decimal degrees (e.g. 74.47894)
longitudelonnumberno*Longitude in decimal degrees (e.g. -81.4781)
ISO-timestamp|millisecondsSince1970noif not present, the current date will be used
usernameuserstringnoif not present, the current user will be used

If a work order is selected in the import dialog, this value is ignored!

If no work order is selected, this value is used to register the maintenance against that work order if the asset is within that work order.

Otherwise the maintenance is registered as adhoc maintenance. 

stringnoif this header is present, then only the rows that contain a value will be registered as maintenance performed.

For each torque value - where "[N]" is replaced by the bolt number (e.g. torqueValue1, torqueUnit1, torqueValue2, torqueUnit2, etc.)
torqueUnit[N]unit[n]stringnoTorque Unit - if not specified, it will use the default from the "Import settings" as defined in the system. If nothing is specified in the system, Nm is used.
isWithinVariance[N]inVariance[N]booleannoif not specified, the value is calculated from TargetTorqueMin/Max - if those are empty, "true" is assumed

Remark: either the "assetId", "assetName" or the location fields need to be filled to be able to identify an asset

You can download and view an example sheet here: 

(warning) The assetName data needs to be adapted to your instance asset names! 
ALIS example import sheet.xlsx

ALIS Example sheet torque.xlsx

To upload Maintenance data from a sheet -  Open up the "Import Maintenance data " window and follow the steps below

  1. Drag and drop your maintenance records sheet(s) into the designated area
  2. Optionally -  select your asset reference matching behavior 
  3. Per uploaded sheet - select the maintenance task and/or work order  if applicable
  4. Optionally -  You can also select a maintenance task or work order to apply for all maintenance
  5. Continue to "Analyse File"
  6. Verify the result

    ALIS will now have a good look at your data and try and match your measurements to the existing assets in ALIS .

    You'll get a 

    • Green  (Yay! Everything Ok)  
    • Yellow ( Some data missing but it will do! ) 
    • Red Summary ( i'm sorry, we can't do this , some things are missing or wrong)


    When you have a green or yellow message you can now preview the result before importing it into ALIS. ( Do do so, hit the "Preview" tab next to the "Messages" tab.

    Upon the feedback provided you can choose to continue  and Execute the import or go back and rework your input.

    Example a Yellow - import feedback message  - 

A digital workflow from Scheduling to reporting

You are able to have a complete digital workflow for scheduling, registering and reporting for all of your maintenance tasks. 

Find the workflow and use-case that fits best to your maintenance conditions. 

Step 1 - Scheduling the work order (Optional) 

You can schedule a work order for a group of people with a defined task and a defined group of assets. That can be done in multiple ways 

  1. The Map 
    1. Filter and select the assets that you want to include in a the work order.
    2. Use the orange action button to create a workorder
    3. Choose to only create the workorder for the selected assets or for the assets in a certain "Area".
    4. Fill in the properties of the workorder  (Only selected assets or assets )
    5. We advise to fill in a Description of the work order in the "Permit Number" field so that it is clear for everyone what this task is about
    6. SAVE the workorder
  2. Replay - From Work orders overview (open and closed) 
    1. You can "replay" or re-use a former workorder in order to easily have the same workorder conditions as the according workorder 
    2. Change the conditions of the workorder after hitting the replay button
  3. From the  Work Orders. - Planning ( will be renewed soon) 
    1. You can drag and drop a maintenance team on the calendar 
    2. Fill in the work order properties and it "+Add shift"

Step 2- Registering maintenance

Adding maintenance records/data can now be added in multiple ways - here is an overview of the different methods

  1. From the MAP - Register maintenance (more information above) 
    1. In this method you can directly register maintenance to a selected group of assets or to the assets in a workorder where the selected asset belongs to. 
    2. You can validate the work performed for a "Scan"/ Validation type of task
    3. You can input torque values in order to complete a torque type of task
  2. From the Maintenance import menu - which can be found in following locations
    1. The Import maintenance data from the Action menu in the MAP 
    2. Through the SETTINGS > Maintenance > Import Maintenance Data
    3. Through the WORK ORDERS > Open Work orders > Import Maintenance Records
  3. By means of the ALIS mobile apps on iPad and iPhone - more information ALIS On-site! Tools & Mobile Devices

Step 3 - Reporting - Optional

The reporting functionality allows you to export asset information or work order details in excel and pdf.  The reports will be generated on-demand not to overload the user with unnecessary files and cluttering of the instance.  Generate the information that is of value or which needs to be shared through different media. 

Different types of reports can be generated from 

  1. The Map → How-to create a report from Assets
  2. The Work orders → How-to create a work order report  

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