How-to register missing bolts
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Starting from ALIS Version 2020.02 ( Release planned for summer 2020 ) with the introduction of the new Fixation status feature, the input method of Torque maintenance data is updated.
The torque value registration is similar as before Version 2020.02 but allows for the input of
- Missing or damaged bolt ( Swipe line to the left of empty bolt value)
- Removing incorrect registrations ( Swipe line to the left)
- Values that are out of tolerance
- Manual input of Torque information
Upon submitting the first Torque data submit of the asset , a pop-will appear with a more detailed view of the maintenance action and allowing for the actions described above.
The pop-up can also be accessed by hitting the chevron icon when an asset has been selected with a Torque maintenance task
Step-by-step guide
To register a missing bolt for this asset
- Verify you have the Torque details pop-up open or use the chevron to do so
- Swipe the row of the missing bolt the left
- A soft swipe will show the missing value button. Press the button to mark the value missing
- A hard swipe will mark the button missing immediately
- A note on the the bottom will inform you that you have registered a value out of tolerance.
- Once all of the bolts are torqued ( or a manual value is inputted) the data can be saved
- If the maintenance action is saved without an entry of all bolts there will be a pop-up to inform you that all no-date bolts will be marked as missing bolts.
Video of the missing bolt registration:
Screenshots of the Torque input method
Once the maintenance data is submitted the result can be viewed on the ALIS web-application .
By using the fixation status filter → Problem , you will filter for all of the assets with missing bolts.
When opening up the details of the asset you will see the missing bolt registration
Using this filter will allow you to create a workorder from the fittings that have missing bolts to perform a mainteance task (ie: Asset fixation rectification) . When this task is a "Torque Task" the fixation status will be updated in the sytstem and will then be marked as "Good" and not show up on the problem filter anymore.
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