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Torque Inspection - Free Power Bi Template


The Torque Inspection Report serves as a valuable instrument for evaluating the effectiveness of torque maintenance procedures. By utilizing the asset history Excel file available through ALIS, seamless integration with Power BI enables the acquisition and analysis of torque data, facilitating enhanced efficiency in airport maintenance operations. Simply download the template provided and change the source file (asset history and obsevation files). Then you will be able to see your airport’s torque data in Power Bi. The template can be modified however you like and it’s FREE for all ALIS users!

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What can you gain from this data?

  • The amount of bolts or assets torqued in the past

  • Optimization of maintenance regime

  • Safety improvement

  • Torque values and angle of rotation analysis

What do you need to get started?

1. Power Bi desktop app with license

Start using Power BI for free: Getting started with Power BI

Remark: not provided by ADB Safegate

2. Torque Inspection template (see the file here!)

Zip file contains:

  • Power Bi template (Feel free to make modifications. Terms and conditions apply)

  • asset history example file

  • observation example file


Remark: example files are from the sandbox and it is not to be taken as a reference.

3. Asset history excel file from ALIS

To get the asset history file, you have to log into your ALIS instance and create a report. It is recommended to generate a report for all assets to see all torque data within your instance.

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Choose the asset history report

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See example in the template zip file

4. Observation excel file from ALIS (Important: include both open and closed observations)

To obtain the observation file, you would have to log into ALIS. Go to the filter on the left panel and choose include Closed Obsevations (this will allow you to see datas from both open and closed observations).

Click the arrow at the bottom of the page to bring up a table.


By default, the table should show the asset table. You have to change it to the Observation by clicking on the 3 dots and click on Observation Table.


Check the top box to select all observations and click the 3 dots to export selected observations. This way you should obtain an excel file.


See example in the template zip file

Step-by-step guide on how to import torque data into Power Bi

  1. Unzip the file. Open the Power Bi template file and click on Transform data under the Home tab


  1. Select Asset History and click on the the small gear next to Source


  1. Click Browse…


  1. Find the Asset history excel file and click Open (see What do you need no.3 asset history)

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  1. Once you have chosen the file, click OK


If you find errors, see Common Errors

  1. Repeat from step 2-4 but with Observation excel file. Select Observations and click the small gear next to the Source.


  1. Click Browse


  1. Choose a file with observation data. It’s important that your data includes both open and closed observations. (see What do you need no.4 observation)

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  1. Once you have chosen the correct file, click OK.


  1. Close & Apply


  1. The new datas should be shown in the visualization. Click publish to publish the report to the cloud.


If you find errors, see Common Errors.

Tips and Tricks

Why use median but not mean?

Instead of show the mean of the data, we recommend that you use the median. The reason is because mean can be affected outliers and the data will deviate too much. On the other hand, the median will not be skewed by exceptionally high or low data, therefore it is a better measure of data.

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Reference: Median vs Mean

Default target torque and torque conditions in the Power Bi visualization

By default, the graph from the template is set to the following values:


(default values for very loose, loose, tight, very tight, no fixation)

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(default values for target torque max, target torque min)

(Disclaimer: these are just default values, it does not mean all airports have to use this value. Values depends on individual airport.)

To change the values in Power BI → go to Data → Asset history → find the ‘Insert…’ and change the values to match with your torque setting in ALIS.

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By changing these values in Power BI, you will allow the graphs to shift their values for better visuslization.


Example: change the min torque to 50 and max to 200. (Values in this example is not to be used as a reference).

You can find the values of your torque setting in ALIS by: setting → Maintenance → Torque Settings


The power BI torque values should match with your ALIS torque setting.

Data binning

If there’s an ‘i’ when you hover above some graphs, please note that it means not all data are shown.

Example in this graph: This data contain more than 10k assets, so it’s not possible to show all 10k lines here. Power Bi will automatically bins down your data to show only the significant data points.

how to 1.1.png


Recommendation: use filters to narrow down the data

Learn more about it here: High Density Line

Drill through

Some visualization allows you to drill through (aka.nagivate) to a hidden page. When you hover above that graph, you should see this:

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You can right click and choose to go to one of the hidden page.


Read more about drill-through here: Set up drill through

Common errors

Expression.Error: The column 'Additional History Data' of the table wasn't found.

How to solve this?

  1. Go to your excel sheet

  1. Click on the header of Additional History Data.

Then add a space in front of the word ‘Additional History Data.

Then remove the space that you just added (yes, we know you’re asking ‘why?'. See the explanation at the bottom 😉)

  1. Save and close the excel file ((warning)Important that you close the excel file before continuing with Power BI)

  1. Go back to Power Bi and click Refresh


(question)Why does this error occurs?

there are a few potential explanations:

  1. Metadata refresh: The action of adding and removing the space in the Excel header might lead Excel to update the metadata of the column. Power BI, upon refreshing the query to read the updated file, might detect this metadata change and accurately recognize the column that was previously not found.

  2. Cached metadata: Power BI's query editor, Power Query, caches metadata during the initial data load. This caching mechanism might occasionally result in discrepancies between the actual data source and the cached metadata. When you modify the column header, Power BI refreshes its metadata cache based on the updated Excel file, allowing it to find the previously missing column.

  3. Automatic metadata recognition: Power BI leverages an automatic metadata recognition feature that dynamically detects changes in data sources. This feature might have been triggered by the slight modification to the column header, causing Power BI to reconfirm and recognize the column that was previously not found.

Cannot solve the problem?

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