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Meet ALIS Connect!

ALIS and its different subscriptions will be migrating over the course of 2025 to a more simplified setup ALIS Connect and ALIS Maintenance (includes ALIS Connect). This is for allowing customer who only want to use ALIS for alerting and monitoring of their connected devices + Customers who also want to incorporate their maintenance management in ALIS.

ALIS Connect is a cutting-edge AMS-SaaS solution tailored specifically for the airside services designed to elevate airport maintenance operations. You can add comprehensive monitoring and alerting of airside connected equipment (eg. AXON EQ, PAPI,CCR, etc.) via the ADB Safegate Airside Cloud Platform. Airside Cloud is hosted on Microsoft Azure and leverages the security and reliability of running software services around the clock.

Serving as the primary interface of the Airside Cloud, ALIS Connect manages asset management, monitoring and alerting. Its web and mobile applications ensure you stay informed and connected, anywhere you are. You can opt-in the ALIS Maintenance module to also add maintenance management to the solution and create an end-to-end approach for maintenace services.


:ALIS: ALIS Connect

:network: Connects Devices: Provides seamless Airside Cloud integration for receiving device data.

đź”” Connects People: Facilitates real-time notifications to ensure key personnel are always informed and can react promptly to any situation.

🛠️ Connects Maintenance: Smoothly connects with ALIS Maintenance, offering a comprehensive solution for managing maintenance tasks, schedules, and records.

:network: Connects Devices - Unlock New Data on Airfield Lighting


By communicating real-time information to ALIS Connect, these devices enable the system to detect and report any faults or abnormalities in the airfield lighting, ensuring that issues can be promptly identified and addressed. This seamless integration between connected devices and ALIS Connect plays a key role in maintaining the safety, reliability, and functionality of airfield lighting systems, thereby supporting continuous, safe airfield operations.

đź”” Connects People - Receive Instant Alerts and Act Fast to Solve Problems


ALIS Connect includes a configurable notification system, allowing for customized events to trigger emails and MS Teams notifications. Direct links to the ALIS instance ensure that stakeholders are always informed and can swiftly take necessary actions.

🛠️ Connects Maintenance - Solve all issues with ALIS Maintenance

Smoothly connects with ALIS Maintenance, offering a comprehensive solution for managing maintenance tasks, schedules, and records, ensuring your equipment is always at peak performance.

Upon receiving notifications of faults and abnormalities, you can immediately generate a work order, directing the maintenance team to swiftly address and rectify the issues.

With additional functions to elevate your airport maintenance regime, examples:

  • Observation creation

  • On-site maintenance registration

  • Report generation

Remark: ALIS Maintenance is an additional subscription on top of ALIS Connect.


What is Airside Cloud?

Airside Cloud is the Data Analytics platform of ADB SAFEGATE that connects our products, applications and services together. It is hosted by Microsoft Azure.

ALIS Maintenance vs ALIS Connect?

ALIS Maintenance is the maintenance module that can be put on top of ALIS Connect and brings your AMS ( Asset management system ) to a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) crafted for the intricate requirements of airfield ground equipment maintenance. It fundamentally transforms how maintenance tasks—ranging from preventive to corrective—are managed, tracked, and reported for varied equipment such as those found on runways, taxiways, aprons, and gates. Its capabilities include:

ALIS Connect

  • GPS-based asset identification

  • Real-time Status updates between users and devices

  • Comprehensive Asset Visibility

  • Effective Work Order System

  • Observation and Reporting

ALIS Maintenance

  • Includes ALIS Connect

  • Customizable Maintenance Tasks

  • Torque value required task validation option

  • Smart Electric Torque Wrench* Connectivity

    *ALIS compatible models only

Can ALIS Connect be configured to work with on-premises infrastructure?

No, ALIS Connect is only deployable in a Microsoft Azure Datacenter. When we create a link between ALIS Connect and a connected device in the field, it's done through the Airside Cloud which is a service running in our MS Azure platform, it has built-in security measures, data storage, aggregation, and standardization. These information and data are being constantly updated which is why ALIS Connect can only work through Airside Cloud not on-premises infrastructure. Upon availability in your region and data regulations , deployments to a nearby Microsoft compatible datacenter is possible.

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